
hw MineralMarin

from 32,28 

NaCl-free sea salt as compensation for ion shifts in the aquarium water and for the production of Malawi and Tanganyika lake water.

hw®-MineralMarin is a “NaCl-free” salt composition and, apart from the addition of NaCl (table salt), contains all minerals, trace elements and bio-elements of natural seawater. hw®-MineralMarin corresponds to the composition of natural seawater except for the absence of sodium chloride (NaCl) / table salt. All minerals, trace elements and amino acids otherwise contained in sea water are also contained in hw®-MineralMarin.

With the addition of hw®-MineralMarin to freshwater with neutral pH level (such as osmosis water or tap water), an almost nature-identical Tanganyika seawater or Malawi seawater will be created.The so produced water offers ideal husbandry conditions for all animal and plant species from these lakes.



Lake Tanganyika water and lake Malawi water

With dissolving hw®MineralMarin, in a pH value neutral water (such as osmosis water or tap water) you will obtain an almost nature-identical lake Tanganyika water or lake Malawi water. The water produced in this way is ideal for the successful keeping of fishes and plant species from these lakes.

Preparing lake Tanganyika and lake Malawi water:

1 measuring spoon (or approx. 5 g) hw®MineralMarin dissolved in 10 liters of reverse osmosis water or demineralized water gives a total hardness of approx. 10 ° – 11 ° dH and a conductivity of approx. 680 -700 µS / cm.

Use for calcium and carbonate addition in sea water:

Application according to the so called „Balling-Method“

If the so called „Balling-Method“ is applied, calcium concentration and carbonate hardness would be increased by adding hw-Calciumchlorid (CaCl2) and hw-Natriumhydrogencarbonate (NaHCO3) would be added to the aquarium water. As  side effect Cl (chloride) and Na (sodium) will remain and this both elements will result to NaCl which is simple salt. So far the NaCl is one of the main compounds of marine water but a steadily raising concentration of NaCl would lead to a increasing adulteration of the marine water composition and can cause on long term major problems.

To avoid this changes in the water composition the missing elements should be added by using a certain quantity of a „NaCl-free“ marine salt formulation like hw®-MineralMarin. The end balance of all added elements will than result again in a complete marine water formulation with nearly no surplus of elements. By applying the „Baling-Method“ over longer time the salinity / density of the aquarium water will raise slowly (or even faster) so that you should have always a eye on this values. If the salinity / density will raise too much you will have to counteract this with a smaller water change of fresh water.

Way of proceeding:

The best would be to prepare 3 solutions of  2 liters each. To prepare the solutions please only use RO-water o demineralized water as to avoid precipitations cause by minerals present in normal tap water.

  • Canister I with 213,50g hw-Calciumchlorid-Dihydrat per 2 l RO o demineralized water
  • Canister II with 163,80g hw-Natriumhydrogencarbonat per 2 l RO o demineralized water
  • Canister III with 48,75g hw-MineralMarin per 2 l RO o demineralized water

Application of the prepared solutions:

Take in consideration that the elevation of the Calcium concentration of 50 mg/l will simultaneously provoke a raise of the carbonate hardness of about 7° dKH!

When starting with the dosing, the solution should applied with 5 ml / ccm per 10 liters of aquarium water. A daily control measuring of the calcium and carbonate hardness should be made to get a feeling for the effect of the dosing. In any case both values should only be raised slowly! If the proposed values are reached, the dosing should be reduced or elevated by 10%  till the values stabilized at the desired point. If one time the optimal dosing for the aquarium has been found a weekly control measurement of the value should be enough.

But please be aware that due to seasonal influences (temperature, light incidence, etc.) and also through changes in the aquarium (coral growth, new animals, reducing of the live stock, etc.) fluctuations can happened which will make it necessary to adapt or recalibrate the dosing to compensate them.

Magnesium and Carbonate dosing

Application according to the so called „Balling-Method“

The main principle is nearly the same like followed in the Calcium-Version of this method. The difference is that in the Can No. 1 now Magnesium chloride is solved instead of Calcium chloride.

  • Canister I with 199,20g hw®-Magnesiumchlorid-Hexahydrate (MgCl2*6H2O) per 2 l RO / demineralized water
  • Canister II with 163,80g hw®-Natriumhydrogencarbonat per 2 l RO / demineralized water
  • Canister III with 48,75g hw®-MineralMarin per 2 l RO / demineralized water

The approach of dosing is nearly the same like with Calcium-Version. Please tke in mind that the consumption of Magnesium in a marine aquarium is considerable lower than the Calcium consumption. Therefore it is mostly totally sufficient to adapt the Magnesium level ones, if it was detected  to be too low. A measurable decline of the Magnesium concentration cold be reported eventually only after several weeks or month. Please observe that the Magnesium concentration did not rise to high! Magnesium concentration above 1600 mg/l will stress many marine live forms und can only be lowered through repeated and bigger water changes to a normal concentration (1250 to 1380 mg/Liter).

Additional information

Weight 5 kg
Gebindegröße u. Verpackungsform

500 g, 1.000 g, 5.000 g, 10kg

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