(CaCl x 2H2O)
Addition in accordance to the Calciumchlorid and sodium bicarbonate dosing
Best practice:
By Appling this method Calcium and Carbonates where supplemented to the aquarium water, by adding hw®-Calciumchlorid (CaCl2) and hw®-Natriumhydrogencarbonat (NaHCO3). As excess components Cl (chloride) and Na (sodium) will remain and the end result is NaCl = salt. NaCl is one of the main components of natural marine water but a steadily increase of NaCl will lead to a negative change in the water composition.
To avoid such changes it is useful to compensate the increasing NaCl component by applying a NaCl „free“ marine salt (hw®-MineralMarin). By this way the end result will be again normal marine water, without changing the ion balance of the marine water.
Only side effect of this method is, that the density / salinity of the aquarium water will slowly increase. You can control this side effect by measuring the Density / specific gravity from time to time with a hw®-Densitometer with Thermometer. If you notice an increasing of the measured value you can compensate this by just only adding a higher part of fresh water when making the next water change.